What is Reiki?

Our bodies are made of energy. You can physically see that at the doctors office when you are hooked up to an EKG. When we go through life experiences and feel different emotions, our energy can become erratic, stagnant, blocked or imbalanced in certain areas of our bodies.

Reiki is a non-invasive form of Japanese energy healing where the practitioner uses gentle hand movements and light touch over certain energy centers and areas of concern to help restore balance in the recipient.

Reiki was first founded in the 1900s by Miao Usui. The term Reiki is derived from the Japanese words rei meaning "universal" and ki which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things.

Everything in the universe is energy, including emotions. Energetic blocks can form from different experiences such as trauma, thought patterns and experiencing emotions. These blocks can affect the balance and flow of energy in your body and chakra energy centers. Reiki helps to release these blocks and create balance in your energy to support healing.

Reiki is now used world-wide and is becoming more commonly offered in hospital settings, such as the well-known medical center, The Cleveland Clinic.

While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not part of any religion. There is nothing you must believe in order to learn, use or receive Reiki.

Potential Benefits of Reiki

✓ Relaxation

✓ Improvement of mood and emotional wellbeing

✓ Reduces stress

✓ Reduces tension and pain

✓ Improves sleep and fatigue

✓ Reduces nausea

✓ Stimulates the immune system & promotes seft-healing in the body & subconscious mind

✓ Encourages tissue and/or bone healing after injury or surgery

What You May Experience

During a session you will typically feel relaxed and may feel a flowing or pulsing of energy through your body, tingling, heat or coolness, goosebumps, vibrational buzzing, sleepiness, etc.

Sometimes thoughts, emotions or visualizations (colors, pictures, memories) can come up during a session and you are welcome to talk about them if you want or you may just continue relaxing.

Every person is different and the sensations felt may be more subtle or more apparent in certain individuals. Reiki is cumulative and you may have deeper experiences the more sessions you receive. As long as the recipient is open to receiving the energy then you will be receiving healing energy regardless of what you are feeling during the session.

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A Typical Session With Nicole

Prior to your first session you will fill out intake paperwork and we will discuss the process, your expectations and any symptoms you are experiencing or specific areas you would like focused on.

A session typically lasts anywhere from 30-60 minutes. As your energy becomes more balanced we can decrease the frequency and session length of your future visits.

You will lay on your back on a massage table or in the comfort of your home and relax while listening to healing frequencies. It is okay if you fall asleep during the session as this will not hinder your results.

I will hover my hands over approximately 15 different locations on your body. With your permission, I may ask to place my hands on your head, shoulders, arms, knees, legs and feet.

Virtual sessions can be done similarly, where I will walk you through a meditative experience that promotes balance.

After your session we will discuss both our experiences during the session. I will give you guidance on any energetic imbalances you may have and how these may be affecting your overall wellbeing. We will discuss a plan for you to work on balancing your energy outside of our visits in everyday life.

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